- The endometrium should be between 6 and 14 mm thick. Right now, I'm at 8mm. Woot.
- The total number of mature follicles before egg retrieval should be 5-8, as well as many smaller ones. Right now, I have 3 leading ladies.
- Mature follicles measure around 18-22 mm in diameter. My 3 are about 9mm across.
- Estradiol levels vary widely from woman to woman, but the key is that I should be roughly doubling my number every 48 hours. Additionally, each mature follicle produces roughly 200 pg/mL. My three measurements on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday have been 85, 101, and 220, respectively.
Soooo, I'm not growing eggs like gangbusters exactly, which is a tad discouraging since I'm on the maximum dosage of the aggressive protocol. I keep imagining myself driving a really old car, in which I'm pushing the gas pedal all the way to the floor and only getting a tired put-put-put sputter. The Doc acknowledges I'm showing some really low numbers, but she said the important thing to focus on is that I AM growing. Trying to stay positive and keep my cortisol levels nice and loooow. Sigh. Well, who ever said making a baby was fun? Oh, wait...
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